Happy OT month, but what is OT?


When I was in high school trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, my mom suggested Occupational Therapy(OT). I knew what Physical Therapy was but honestly, I thought Occupational Therapy had something to do with getting people jobs. It was a no then. I bet half of you are sitting there thinking, well what is Occupational Therapy then. Listen to my podcast all about this…


I have been an occupational therapist for 20 years. Occupational therapy enables people to participate in activities that “occupy” the course of everyday life; develop skills, restore independence, maintain abilities and promote health and safety; enables people to lead more productive, satisfying and independent lives. Occupational therapy focuses on enabling individuals and groups to participate in everyday occupations that are meaningful to them, provide fulfillment, and engage them in everyday life with others. Our focus is on enhancing participation. A child’s occupation is to continually develop a range of new skills through engagement in play, self-care, social and academic activities. Occupational therapists, through their unique combination of skills, are well positioned to support parents and educators to effectively and creatively problem solve to enhance quality of life for all children.


I work primarily with children (0-19 years) helping them participate in their daily activities (play, eating, washing, toileting, cutting with scissors, printing, etc.). I am trained to analyze activities to help my clients understand, adapt and modify activities. This involves interviewing the family (and the child if possible), observing the child in their environment, and when necessary, a more in depth assessment of sensory processing and motor skills. I have a mobile clinic (Betty White) that can come to my clients home, school, daycare. And I have access to a secure platform for online telehealth sessions.

Occupational Therapists look at what a person wants to do (leisure), needs to do (self-care) and is expected to do (productivity). We believe that your daily occupations bring you health and well-being. .


● Having difficulty in areas of self-care, productivity and/or leisure activities as mentioned above.

● Not reaching developmental milestones

● Difficulty feeding (picky eaters, difficulty holding utensil and bringing to mouth)

● Difficulty dressing independently

● Sleep issues

● Difficulty tying shoelaces

● Difficulty riding a bicycle or learning a new skill.

● Difficulty holding a pencil or crayons.

● Printing problems (legibility, spacing, reversals)

● Difficulty cutting with scissors

● Difficulty sitting in class or at mealtime

● Falls out of seat

● Sensitive to touch, sound, smells, movement

● Limited play skills

● Unsure how to play on playground equipment.

● Difficulty following a routine, or changes in routine.

● Difficulty tolerating haircuts

● Behavior and learning difficulties.

I became an Occupational Therapist, years after my mom told me I should be an OT. I was working in a preschool as a 1:1 assistant when I discovered what an occupational therapist actually did. At that time, I wanted to be a physical therapist (PT) until I saw the OT working with the child in a playful manner on his cutting and coloring. The OT and PT worked closely together to ensure this child was succeeding. The physical therapist worked more on the child’s mobility, while the occupational therapist looked at the whole child: his physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual aspects. I knew at that moment that I needed to learn more about Occupational Therapy. So I shadowed this therapist and applied to take prerequisite courses at the university. 3 years later I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy (University of Alberta Class of 2000).



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Suspendisse tincidunt odio viverra sem dictum, sed varius sem pretium. Integer sodales magna id felis lobortis, eget varius justo consequat. In efficitur, nunc nec fermentum pharetra, eros eros convallis dolor, congue elementum neque ligula eget purus. Morbi fringilla, nisl quis faucibus dictum, tellus nunc molestie augue, in sodales massa massa.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dolor turpis, rutrum ut velit id, volutpat tempor nibh. Sed volutpat viverra mi quis varius. Proin ultricies arcu lacus, quis ultricies sapien venenatis sed. Praesent at lacus rutrum, ornare nisl ac, euismod nisi. Etiam cursus varius lorem at ultricies.

Suspendisse tincidunt odio viverra sem dictum, sed varius sem pretium. Integer sodales magna id felis lobortis, eget varius justo consequat. In efficitur, nunc nec fermentum pharetra, eros eros convallis dolor, congue elementum neque ligula eget purus. Morbi fringilla, nisl quis faucibus dictum, tellus nunc molestie augue, in sodales massa massa.

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Minimum 20 hours a month

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dolor turpis, rutrum ut velit id, volutpat tempor nibh. Sed volutpat viverra mi quis varius. Proin ultricies arcu lacus, quis ultricies sapien venenatis sed. Praesent at lacus rutrum, ornare nisl ac, euismod nisi. Etiam cursus varius lorem at ultricies.

Suspendisse tincidunt odio viverra sem dictum, sed varius sem pretium. Integer sodales magna id felis lobortis, eget varius justo consequat. In efficitur, nunc nec fermentum pharetra, eros eros convallis dolor, congue elementum neque ligula eget purus. Morbi fringilla, nisl quis faucibus dictum, tellus nunc molestie augue, in sodales massa massa.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dolor turpis, rutrum ut velit id, volutpat tempor nibh. Sed volutpat viverra mi quis varius.

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